Sunday, September 9, 2012

Email test posting (email to blog)

This is a test of the email blog postings facility in

Email test post

Test Email post

Intro to Evernote

This is the introduction found under the getting started section of the website.

Evernote on the web, desktop, and mobile

Welcome to Evernote! We're glad you're here. Spend a few minutes going through this guide to learn some Evernote basics. We will introduce you to a number of useful Evernote functions and concepts that will help you start remembering everything.
Before we dive in, here are a few terms that will be used throughout this document:
Note : A single item stored in Evernote.
Notebook : A container for notes.
Sync : The process by which your Evernote notes are kept up to date across all of your computers, phones, devices and the Web.
Account : A username and password that allows Evernote to identify your notes and make them available to you anywhere.

Evernote Website

The Evernote website, in my opinion, is well designed.  Over all it is pleasing to look at and easy to navigate.  I usually like sites that have breadcome trails for easier navigation, but this one is not so complex as to need one.  The home page has two ways to link to the separate product pages.  The site has a blog link, a link to an info page called The Trunk, sales links for associated products, a video library, new product info, and a well organised site map.  One thing I thought it lacks is more detailed info on how the various products work together.
Capture anything.Access anywhere.